As an outsider, I am wondering.
How is the so-called biggest democracy in the world better from totalitarian regimes, which kill their own people for power and greed? Totalitarian governments get rid of those who stand in their way — they don’t pretend otherwise. While this democracy doesn’t pull the trigger on its people, it places it in the hands of the most dangerous amongst them, so they can do it.
All its policies show an obvious disdain for human lives, from its healthcare system to its gun regulations. The difference between this democracy and totalitarian countries is only in their ways, the end-result is the same: they continue to (let) kill for as long as it profits them.
This is the country ruling the world, playing all the others like puppets. This country who has elected an openly racist, misogynist, illiterate bigot as president. This government who is using him as a façade to pass even worse deeds unnoticed. How low have we fallen?
As the sun sets today, I know my son is safe with me — which, very unfortunately, is not the case for many parents. But I wonder for how long — how long before my own inactions make me an accomplice of our insecurity.
As an outsider, I am wondering — how long will it take before I become an insider to this pain?