There is so much noise around me. People, music, media, machines, moving, building, taking down, everywhere, anywhere. The sounds of the city, pounding in my head. Unwanted noise, keeping me out of focus.
The sounds of the people I love, living around me, with me. The talks, the arguments, the laughs. The voice of my son. Dearly wanted noise, keeping me out of focus.
Silence, my friend, where are you? I miss you at times, often. You are so rarely present these days. I can think clearly when you are around. My forehead is unwrinkled and my jaw relaxed. My fingers float on the keyboard, and out of them come little wonders.
Can I not have you both? Both my beloved wanted noise and you, my silence. Like a bad triangle love affair, I cannot choose. Don’t leave me, my friend. I promise I will look for you more — look after you more. But please do understand — it is only thanks to the noise that I can grasp how much I need you.
Sweet duality, my essence in life.